Church Painting

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About Church Paintings: Church, a building used for religious services, usually referring specifically to those for Christian worship. Church Painting is a type of paintings depicting Church building with oil material. Church, the body of people who share a faith or a religious organization, (usually within Christianity).The largest Protestant church networks or denominations in the world possibly are with size:
1# Evangelical Church in Germany (Germany, about 26,000,000)
2# Eglise du Christ au Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo, about 25,000,000)
The 2004 Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches cites a membership figure of 5,499,875 members for the Church of God in Christ. This figure is from 1991, and has not been changed or updated for many years. Experts believe the organization has less than 5 million members today. We offer original churh paintings for sale!

Church Painting Reproductions - Handmade Canvas Oil Paintings

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